020 7935 0245 info@swallowdentalclinic.co.uk

Cosmetic Dentistry

At Swallow Dental Clinic we aim to keep your teeth healthy and strong, but we also understand that the appearance of your smile is important to you as well. That is why we offer the very best cosmetic dentistry treatments and procedures available, to enhance, rejuvenate and restore your smile, whatever your dental problem.  Procedures can include: veneers, dental implants for missing teeth, composite bonding and teeth whitening.  Crowns and bridges also restore shape and appearance to misshapen or missing teeth.

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is one of the easiest ways to improve your appearance. Whiter teeth will not only boost your confidence but also your self-esteem. Drinking coffee, tea, cola or red wine, and can all take a substantial toll on teeth. The results are dull, yellow coloured teeth. Antibiotics can also cause darker grey-coloured stains.

The vast majority of teeth will benefit from tooth whitening, which is a proven safe and effective way to brighten stained or discoloured teeth.

Of all the advances made in dentistry to enhance the appearance of your teeth, whitening is the easiest and least invasive, and effective in most cases. The procedure is safe, simple, and more affordable than ever. Because of these reasons and more, whitening has become very popular.


A veneer is a thin layer of material placed over a tooth either to restore it cosmetically or to protect a damaged one. Veneers are made from either composite or porcelain by a dental laboratory and are bonded onto the tooth surface.

Dental crowns

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped “cap” that is placed over a tooth to restore its shape, size, strength, and to improve its appearance. When a crown is cemented into place it encases the entire visible portion of a tooth which lies at and above the gum line.

A crown can restore a broken tooth or a tooth that has been severely worn down, hold together parts of a cracked tooth or cover misshaped/discoloured teeth.

Dental bridges

A dental bridge is a false tooth, which is used to fill a gap from a missing tooth. Unlike traditional removable dentures, a dental bridge is a permanent fixture as it is anchored to the teeth at one, or both, sides using metal bands held in place by resin or cement.

If well maintained, a dental bridge can last for 10 to 15 years and can make a dramatic difference to your appearance. If your missing tooth was very noticeable, it can give you the confidence to smile again.

Opening hours: Monday to Friday - 9.00 am - 6.00 pm, Saturday - by appointment Alternative times can be arranged by appointment by prior agreement.