020 7935 0245 info@swallowdentalclinic.co.uk

General Dentistry

At Swallow Dental Clinic our aim is to understand your dental needs, to treat existing problems as appropriate, and provide the highest quality ongoing care and management to maintain beautiful teeth for life. Our treatment is always individually tailored to suit your needs and guided by our philosophy of prevention. We take the time to listen to your input so that your experience is personal to your needs and we’re always happy to answer your questions.

We perform thorough examinations and check-ups with photographs and X-rays when needed, which allow us to detect any areas of concern. If required, we will place fillings, inlays, crowns or bridges, always ensuring that our patient is as comfortable and pain-free as possible during the procedure.

Opening hours: Monday to Friday - 9.00 am - 6.00 pm, Saturday - by appointment Alternative times can be arranged by appointment by prior agreement.