020 7935 0245 info@swallowdentalclinic.co.uk

Dental Implants

At Swallow Dental Clinic we provide a variety of Dental Implant treatments, ranging from placing a single tooth implant to full mouth rehabilitation.

If you have a missing tooth or teeth, dental implants offer an alternative to conventional bridges or dentures.
A titanium post is placed in the jaw bone to support a replacement tooth. This acts like the root of a natural tooth. Implants can also be used to support fixed bridges or to stabilise dentures.

The implant is usually left for some months to allow the bone to form a strong bond to the implant. Then, once the implant has integrated with the bone, an artificial tooth is attached to it to give a natural look. The artificial tooth is custom made to ensure the ideal colour, shape and size.

Dental Implants offer some really exciting benefits to patients and often provide a life-changing experience. These benefits include:

  • Restoring the mouth as closely as possible to its natural state
  • Increasing your ability to enjoy a variety of foods, by eliminating the risk of loose fitting dentures
  • Eliminating the need to have your “teeth in a jar” every night
  • Avoid filing down healthy neighbouring teeth (as with a conventional bridge)
  • Preserve facial structure by virtually stopping deterioration of the jaw

Also, they provide a more natural smile improving appearance and self confidence.
To see if implants are appropriate for you, and to answer any questions you may have, please arrange an implant consultation with our Implantologist and we will let you know all the possibilities.

The Association of Dental Implantology (UK) provides information on implants and answers a lot of common patient questions: Association of Dental Implantology.

However, if you would prefer to speak to us directly to have your questions answered then please make an appointment.

Opening hours: Monday to Friday - 9.00 am - 6.00 pm, Saturday - by appointment Alternative times can be arranged by appointment by prior agreement.